Sunday, September 22, 2013

Getting Better

Tuesday, A Phone Conversation

Me: Yes, hi. This is the Band Director, returning your call.
         The woman left her number but no name. Only that she had a question.           

Parent: Yes, hello. Thank you. How are you?
         Her accent is difficult to place. Middle Eastern, maybe.

Me: Very good, thank you. What can I do for you?

Parent: Ah, yes. I am B’s mom. 
           I recognize her son’s name. He’s the only B I had last year.

Parent: I just wanted to let you know we are all very happy to know that you will be returning this year.  All the parents think you did such a good job. The concert was just wonderful.  And B likes you very much.
Me: Aw, you just made my day. Thank you so much, of course I’m coming back. I’m so glad B had a great time in band and I’m glad he’ll be returning.              
           B is a quiet kid. Said three words all year and I never got a good read on him in class. Couldn’t tell if he enjoyed it or not. But for some kids, especially the quiet kids, it’s the concert that gets them. Performing is like a drug that coaxes them out of their shell. All I have to do is give them a taste of it. They’ll never outgrow it.
            I never did.

Parent: But I have a question for you about B’s lesson time...
            Ah crap. Here it is. Every parent at this school wants their kid to have a lesson at the same time.

Parent: I was wondering if maybe he could go in the first group?  Because if he could go right after school it would be much easier.
             Right. For you. I’ll be stuck teaching a class of forty kids ranging in ages from eight to thirteen, playing all different instruments at completely different levels. That won’t be fun for anybody.
             Especially me.

Me: Well, I’m putting the schedule together soon. I have several parents already requesting early times so I’ll do my best to try to accommodate everyone.
              They’ve been calling me since August.           

Parent: I see.

Me: I can tell you that B will be in one of the first two groups. The returning students will go earliest.
              Sorry first timers, got to pay your dues.

Parent: That is good. I hope he can be in the first group.  But if it can not be that way, I understand.

Me: Thank you I’ll do my best.

Parent: And thank you, because B likes to play. He is very interested in the saxophone and is excited for the lessons. Last year he got it out many times to practice on his own.
               Really? I wonder how much “many times” is. The prescribed four or five times a week? Not likely. I mean B was alright. He kept up, I never had to call home or anything, he just didn’t seem like a big practicer. But I’ll play along.

Me: Well I guess that explains how he was getting so good at it!

Parent: Yes, but this year I’m hoping he gets better.
               Me too, lady. Me too.

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